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Contraceptives Hygiene and Pregnancy Care

Author :Dr. Gajanan V. Madiwal

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"CONTRACEPTIVES HYGIENE AND PREGNANCY CARE", a perfect guide for youth, before the sexually active Indians. I personally feel, if our children get proper sex education at an appropriate age, there could be a decrease in the number of teenage pregn...

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Author Information

Dr. GAJANAN V. MADIWAL is a teacher by profession. He has four Master's Degree and a Ph.D. Dr. Madiwal has written fifteen books, one of them publi...

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Category :Health & Fitness

ISBN No :9781545747520

Print ISBN No :9789389097511

Language : English

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"CONTRACEPTIVES HYGIENE AND PREGNANCY CARE", a perfect guide for youth, before the sexually active Indians. I personally feel, if our children get proper sex education at an appropriate age, there could be a decrease in the number of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. In many countries, including India, even discussing sex subject is largely considered a taboo. Indians need to be educated on reproduction and contraception early in their life. This book is written with an objective that an average Indian could understand the concept of birth control, different methods of birth control and the socio-economic consequences of unwanted pregnancy.


Dr. GAJANAN V. MADIWAL is a teacher by profession. He has four Master's Degree and a Ph.D. Dr. Madiwal has written fifteen books, one of them published by the International Publisher, Lap Lambert, Germany. He has done many research and published many research articles in research journals.