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Forget Worries Now Enjoy Life Be Happy

Author :Baldev Bhatia

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Forget Worries Now Enjoy Life Be Happy What do we think about the Good and Happy Living? The feeling of happiness or sadness is within us. It is said that happiness is purely our own matter. Though it has got something to do with our external circ...

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The Author-cum Astrologer has been in touch with general public and has been practicing phycology and pubic healing. His intension is to guide his ...

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ISBN No :9781618132857

Language : English

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Forget Worries Now Enjoy Life Be Happy What do we think about the Good and Happy Living? The feeling of happiness or sadness is within us. It is said that happiness is purely our own matter. Though it has got something to do with our external circumstances. But there are certainly some positive factors within us that keep us happy and there is something negative within us also which keep us unhappy. Happy living through positive and good thoughts is nothing more than that of living a normal life free from undue pressures, problems and tensions. If we want to live a good and happy life then we need to get rid of the negativity within us which makes us unhappy.


The Author-cum Astrologer has been in touch with general public and has been practicing phycology and pubic healing. His intension is to guide his readers to achieve their personal goals with ease that would assist them to overcome all the problems, crises, speed breakers and the unforeseen negatives forces, in their lives so as not to get disheartened or depressed in their lives and finally lead a happy life and peaceful and a sweet life. The author also shares with millions of curious readers the 'real knowledge' by letting them know more about themselves in detail and also about their in born positive qualities, possessed by them and guides them to ward off the negativity in them, by getting to know as how to lead an happy and powerful life.