Lab Manual (C++)
Author :Dr. G.D. Kurundkar and Mr. N.A. Naik
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As the students to get the real practical knowledge of prograamming languages there is need of some book which theorotically and practically elaborate the thing in programming languages. We design the book Lab Manual-(C++) in such a way that stude...
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Dr. Kurundkar G.D. : Working as Assistant Professor with Department of Computer Science, Shri Gurubuddhi Swami Mahavidyalaya, Purna Dist. Parbhani ...
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Category :Education
Print ISBN No :9781545743560
Language :English
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As the students to get the real practical knowledge of prograamming languages there is need of some book which theorotically and practically elaborate the thing in programming languages. We design the book Lab Manual-(C++) in such a way that students of Undergraduate and Postgraduate level should get the detailed knowledge of the paricular programming language (in this book it is about C++).
This lab manual covers almost all programs of C++ from fundamentals to exception handling.
Dr. Kurundkar G.D. : Working as Assistant Professor with Department of Computer Science, Shri Gurubuddhi Swami Mahavidyalaya, Purna Dist. Parbhani since 2006. he is also worked as lecturer in Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded from 2000 to 2006. He has completed his Ph.D. Under the guidance of Dr. S.D.Khamikar, S.R.T.University Nanded. He is also various national and international journal papers on his account. He is also Board of Studies member in Computer Science S.R.T.M. University Nanded.Mr. Naik N.A. : Working as Assistant Professor with Department of Computer Science and Information Technology , Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded from 1997. He is working on his Ph.D. under the guidance of Dr. S.D. Khamitkar on the topic of Problems associated with md5 algorithm in different network technologies. He is life member of Indian Science Congress. He published research papers in various National and International Journals. He is peer review member of three international journals. He is also working as Network Administrator of Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya Nanded from 2007 the job is to handle campus wide network and also created and maintaining college website which includes online registration system for junior college.