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Amazing Himalayan Jungle Tales

Author :Avipsa Panda

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I am creating "Amazing Jungle Tales" to bring the breathtaking Himalayan valley to life through a child's eyes. My goal for this book is to gently instill core moral values in children in a way that feels natural and engaging. Together, let's emba...

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I'm Avipsa, a software architect in Bangalore and a proud mommy of two wonderful kids. I love traveling with my children, painting, and storytellin...

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ISBN No :9781545760345

Language : English

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I am creating "Amazing Jungle Tales" to bring the breathtaking Himalayan valley to life through a child's eyes. My goal for this book is to gently instill core moral values in children in a way that feels natural and engaging. Together, let's embark on a journey into the Himalayan jungle and discover how the animals embrace the five values of kindness, gratitude, courage, friendship, and unity. Let's work towards making the world a better place, where our little ones can blossom and grow into compassionate, beautiful human beings.


I'm Avipsa, a software architect in Bangalore and a proud mommy of two wonderful kids. I love traveling with my children, painting, and storytelling. Exploring beautiful places and different cultures is a passion of mine. I truly believe that we can bring about positive changes in society by embracing compassion and showing more kindness towards others. Small acts of empathy can ripple out and create a better, more caring world for everyone.