Ancient Indian Secret to Happiness
Author :Priyanka Srivastava
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The Title of the book is "Who am I?" The book is about inner engineering, self-introspection with reference to Bhagavad Gita. One who reads this get to know about his inner self and the supreme Lord Krishna. It's about our connection with Him the ...
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By profession I'm a Financial Consultant, Mutual Fund Distributor since 2010, Business Consultant, Director and co-founder of Fidelity Advisory Ser...
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Category :Self Help
ISBN No :9781545753972
Language :English
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The Title of the book is "Who am I?" The book is about inner engineering, self-introspection with reference to Bhagavad Gita. One who reads this get to know about his inner self and the supreme Lord Krishna. It's about our connection with Him the book will help one to recognize oneself as part of God itself. The reader will find peace and happiness after reading this. It will help one situate in oneself. The book has been written in reference with Bhagavad Gita where Krishna is talking to Arjuna and answering all his questions and helping him come out of the dilemma. It's said we can find all the answers of our practical life in Bhagavad Gita so, it's my attempt to find few questions in reference with Bhagavad Gita. Spoken by Krishna to his disciple Arjuna at the battlefield of Kurushetra, Gita, answers major questions of our lives and existence. The Bhagavad-gita is such an important scripture that it can help us to get out of the cycle of birth and death. Anyone who recites Bhagavad-gita with devotion will go to the spiritual world at the time of death. Considered to be a doctrine of universal truth, Bhagavad Gita has long been influencing people not only in India but around the world also. The Bhagavad Gita teaches us various important principles that relate to work, life, religion, philosophy and spirituality.
By profession I'm a Financial Consultant, Mutual Fund Distributor since 2010, Business Consultant, Director and co-founder of Fidelity Advisory Services Private Ltd,, a blogger on word press, Academically I'm MBA in Finance. My hobbies are reading books, writing, painting, drawing. I'm mother of my two lovely kids Garv and Atharv, they are my real inspiration. My family is very supportive my father mother has always inspired be to do explore new things in life. My husband is also very supportive. My family has never stopped me in trying new things. I have always been a spiritual person at heart. During my spiritual journey I came across a free course organized by Iskon Ghaziabad, the course enlightened me because of which I writing this book with the hope that each reader of this book will get a new insight, this book will add value to their life.